Fans & A/C

We offer fans designed specifically for tents. These small, quiet units provide a surprising amount of air circulation, are 12 inches wide, and mount on side poles out of the way of guests.

Air conditioning is available upon request.

45kva Generator

45Kva Generator

When events reach a scale that requires more than 3 or 4 circuits, it becomes necessary to consider power options beyond simply running extension cords to a house. One option is a portable generator. We offer the Whisper Watt generator, which has become the industry standard for quiet, efficient power. We can provide a variety of generator and power distribution options to hand most event requirements.

For smaller events, we offer heavy gauge power cords capable of delivering power up to 200 feet.

7Kva Generator

7Kva Generator

Pennant Flags

Pennant flags atop each peak are part of the signature Sperry Tents look. They are installed on bamboo flagstaffs and are available in ivory. To make your event a little more unique, inquire about pennants in custom colors or with logos.

Sidewalls — Clear

Clear sidewalls can be installed all the way around a tent and can be rolled up or left down, depending on the weather. They can also be installed in sections to protect against a breeze, even on a warm day. Sides are clear except for a 20-inch border of ivory fabric around the bottom. Keep in mind that tents can be left totally open as well; walls are not a requirement.

Sidewalls — Solid

Solid sides are largely used for catering tents or for parties that require an element of surprise. They are made from the same ivory fabric used in the tent canopies.


These propane-fired heaters sit outside the tent and require an electric power source. A duct running under the sidewall blows hot air into the tent.

Band Stage

Band Stage